March 21, 2025
Canvas Students
Note: Only students who have courses or organization site memberships in Canvas are able to access Canvas. Students with no courses or organization site memberships in Canvas will not be able to access Canvas.
- Click the Experience portal banner on the right of the MyQ home page.
- Once in the Experience portal, you should see a tile for Canvas LMS. Click the Canvas logo to open Canvas. If you don’t see the tile, but know you have courses in Canvas: Contact Teaching and Classroom Technology (part of IT) -
- If prompted, sign in using your Quinnipiac Microsoft 365 (SSO) credentials. If you have issues signing in with your Quinnipiac Microsoft 365 (SSO) credentials: Please contact IT for help using one of the following methods:
- E-mail:
- Submit a Technology Help Request
- Call: 203-582-HELP (4357)
- Visit one of their on-campus locations
- Once your Canvas Dashboard opens, you can add Canvas to your bookmarks/favorites in your browser!